Monday, June 6, 2011


Global Warming

Genetically Modified Foods – Pros and Cons

Anthropogenic Kryptonite: It’s killing usForest Deforestation

Forest Deforestation

Meat Consumption

Habitat Loss

Nuclear Power Plants

Hydro Power Plants: Friend or Foe


Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity

Renewable energy against non-renewable energy

On the top of environmental issues in this country is energy. Where our energy comes from is dilemma. 88% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuel energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Oil alone makes up about 41% of fossil fuel usage, while counts for 24% and natural gas with 21%. Fossil fuel is the primary use to make energy simply because it’s generally cheaper, where renewable energies are more expensive. The problem with the use of fossil fuels is the carbon dioxide emission, which is the major contribution to global warming and the overall climate change. The reason to why it is now the modern world’s problem is due to the birth of the industrial age. Up until then, the carbon emission was insignificant, and after the industrial age, the carbon dioxide emission headed to a j curve, a massive increase. Even now, the industrial process grows, almost or even at its peak, and there’s still an increase of carbon dioxide with no signs of decrease. Along with that issue, fossil fuels are not renewable, meaning there’s a limited amount of supply, and it will be gone in the near future. Fossil fuels are estimated to last 250-300 years from now, and it last only that due to the abundant supplies of coal. Oil, where we get 41% of our energy from, is only estimated to last about only 30 years, so expect an enormous amount of increase in gas prices in 2040. It is mandatory to come up with a solution to fill in that 41% less energy gap. Humans now have to come up with new ideas for energy to replace it, but this time not only renewable, but also sustainable and have little to no negative impact on the environment, in the time frame of about 30 years. This means a large scale transition to green energy, or renewable energy. There is certainly usage of renewable energies today, but it’s just that there hasn’t been a large scale movement towards it, due to high investment to run it. The renewable energies are wind power, biomass, hydropower, solar energy, biofuel and geothermal energy. But the best bet is to turn to solar energy, due to its potential energy being very high. Using the sun as energy, it is considered an unlimited source of energy due to the fact that the sun will last for at least another 4 billion years. There is also are no drawbacks and negative environmental impact by converting to solar energy use, making it truly the best green energy out of many options. Non-renewable energies such as fossil fuels are cheap, but aren’t sustainable and renewable to be used for a primary source of energy. While renewable are the opposites, their prices could be more affordable for everyone if there is enough support or movement toward it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Loss of Biodiversity and Extinctions

Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, have an important role to play ecosystems can better can withstand and recover from a variety of disasters. And so y. for example, a larger number of plant species means a greater variety crops; greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms; and healthy ecosystems can better withstand and recover from a variety of disasters. And so while we dominate this planet, we still need to preserve the diversity in wildlife. The variety of life on earth, its biological diversity is often referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests, and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach to preserving biodiversity. Almost all cultures have their roots in our biological diversity in some way or form. Declining biodiversity is therefore a concern for many reasons.
Extinction has always occurred natural. Almost all species that have lived on Earth have become extinct. Perhaps they could not cope with changes occurring in the environment, such as climate changes, the intensity of predation or disease. The extinction of any species is an irrevocable loss of part of the part of the biological richness of Earth, the only place in the universe known to support living creatures. Humans have been responsible for almost all of Earth’s recent extinctions. These extinctions are occurring so quickly that they represent a modern mass extinction of similar intensity to those documented in the geological record. Examples of recent extinctions caused by humans include such well-known cases as the dodo, passenger pigeon and great auk. Many other high-profile species have been taken to the brink of extinction, including the plains bison, whooping crane, ivory billed woodpecker, right whale and other marine animals. These losses have been caused by insatiable overhunting and intense disturbing or conversion of natural habitats.
Extinction and biodiversity can greatly impact the environment, specifically the ecosystems that are balanced by its species and animals, for example ecosystems are designed to sustain a certain type of animals/species, and they both have an essential role in the system such as the food web chain. They both keep the ecosystem and the environment in balance.

But how does Extinction affect the environment?
When an animal becomes extinct, their relationship with other organisms or animals might cause them to become extinct as well due to the relationship destruction. Foods or areas may also be exploited by other animals or organisms in the area.
Humans rely on a host of invisible services that ecosystems provide. For example, they provide foods, medicines, and energy. They also regulate nutrient and waste, lock up carbon, they maintain clean air and water, crop pollination, seed dispersal, pest and disease control, they preserve genetic diversity and provide recreation for us all. It is the biodiversity on Earth that allows (at the moment) for animals, plants, and humans to share the planet- if one species is destroyed, several, maybe hundreds more, may follow. Biodiversity is important because certain animals have economic and life values (such as rainforests’ plants being made for into medicine), they have value to the ecosystem (think of their spot on the food web), and they are a source of natural beauty and recreation.
Ecosystem Disruption caused by the loss of biodiversity in an ecosystem can also cause environmental changes. Loss of one species may cause a chain reaction, resulting in a change in the ecosystem itself. Once the organism is gone, their role cannot be taken by any other organism because that species had evolved to be in that specific role in the environment. As we do not always know what specific role specific organisms play to its environment, we cannot predict how the ecosystem will be affected if that species was to be extinct. The whole ecosystem may be weakened by the process of extinction. Overall, these two factors are very important to consider when it comes down to a sustainable environment. Though the loss of biodiversity and extinctions are similar, both can have a catastrophic impact on the ecosystems which can effect humans in the end.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is nuclear power a safe energy source?

Nuclear energy is a dream, which is why more and more countries are and should be using this energy source. We know its benefits – an affordable, available and reliable source of electricity that doesn’t generate greenhouse gases. One uranium pellet, can deliver over 17 MBTU of heat energy, which is equivalent to 1780lbs of coal, 17,000 cubic meters of natural gas, or 149 gallons of oil. In a different light, nuclear power generation is unique in how the amount of energy that is contained in a relatively small amount of volume. Burning fossil fuels for energy is dangerous to our environment for many reasons.
These include the ash, air pollution, ecosystem destruction from mining, water pollution, and etcetera. Nuclear energy doesn’t cause any type of greenhouse gases when it is running correctly. Also it causes a smaller effect on ecosystems when the uranium is mined because there is a smaller necessity for it. Uranium also heats water longer, about a few months, which is more sustainable than the short-term burning of fossil fuels, which usually lasts about a half hour.
Even though there are positive factors to nuclear energy, there are also some cons. Once certain fuels are used up it’s not a problem anymore, but in the case of nuclear energy, that is not the case. Since the fuel is both radioactive and fissionable is still concern about how the waste should be handled. Most nuclear waste remains radioactive for thousands of years. Human exposure to radiation can happen through nuclear power plant meltdowns as well as mistakes in the storage of nuclear waste.
Once radioactive contamination is started, there is a variety of different ways that it can contaminate the human body. The largest concern for safety will always be a major impediment in the progress of promoting nuclear power plants. The worst-case scenario for any nuclear power plant is the risk of a meltdown, which has proven to be very deadly in past disasters. A meltdown can be caused from a variety of human errors along with a variety of mechanical failures. Which proves: nuclear power can end catastrophic if not correctly monitored. Nuclear power can also end in a catastrophic end with the threat and chance of a terrorist attack.
Also nuclear power isn’t renewable. Renewable sources are a much better way to make energy for our planet because they are more sustainable and they can be used over and over again without causing much of a problem to ecosystems. Renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and water power. Some renewable energy resources, such as water, may cause ecosystems to be destroyed or changed. This would be due to dams being built that will destroy surrounding areas’ ecosystems and destroying the biodiversity of the water’s ecosystem.

Hydro Power Plants: Friend or Foe

Mankind is about to dive into an energy crisis as fossil fuel gauge falls near empty, and its population creates a global climate change. But we have realized this, is we are beginning to turn away from being dependent on fossil fuel. But what do we have to turn to?
Hydro power is definitely an alternative because it would definitely solve the energy crisis effectively. At first glance, it is also a clean energy source because hydro power does not emit any carbon dioxide or any other green house gas pollutant at all. Hydro power does bring with it a great amount of benefits.
To harness hydro power, we have to build dams. These dams hold rivers back and channel amount concentrated amounts through. This concentration draws power from gravity, which forces the water down a narrow path. There would be a mill wheel that was be turned by the pushing force of the moving water. The motion of this wheel would be help turn a turbine in that is made of magnets. These magnets would spin around a cylinder copper thimble and pull on the electrons in the copper. The moving electrons are what we call electricity.
There are multiple benefits that come around with building the dam. This includes storing the water. The stored water is very useful, especially when there is a drought. The dam would provide a constant supply of water for the needed and for agriculture. Not only so, it can be used as a reservoir to provide drinking water. If not so, then the pond provided by the dam can be used as a recreational area for scenery and fishing. This also creates a new ecosystem for the area and possibly increases the bio diversity. In addition to that, the dam would eventually pay for itself and maintenance is relatively easy. Hydropower is already providing the world with 19% of its electricity. Not only so, this method is extremely safe in comparison to other methods, such as nuclear. The dam can be easily shut down, so when there is a problem, it would be solve very quickly and in turn minimize the damage from whatever the problem is. However, since the designs of these dams are so simply, fixing anything would easily and it has very few breakdowns. Not only so, it can produce a constant supply of energy and the dam itself lasts for a very long time.
Although they seem very good, the dams have some very negative aspect to it as well. The flood is a double edged sword; it creates new habitats but it also destroys the one that is already there. By damming the river, the water builds up and floods the land around it, ruining both the homes of any animals or human living in that vicinity. Not only so, it stops the water flow and repels any fish species that climbs the river in their natural migration. The turbines that are used to generate the electricity kill the fishes in the lake as well. For the people that live in that area, they would have no choice but to move out, leaving behind homes and businesses to be swap under water. The silt that usually flows down the river would also be block by the dam as well. Not only so, the flooding usually covers woodlands, which in turn generates green house gases. Not only so, the destroyed trees could no longer absorb the carbon dioxide to help with the green house gas problem. There may be few breakdowns, but when the dam is destroyed, it creates a huge issue. All the water that it holds back would rush down the river and destroy anything in its path, which includes towns and human residential areas as well as wild life. These disadvantages are a real setback to think about when political leaders decide to build a dam.

Biodiversity vs. Extinction

Biodiversity is the diverse range of organism within a specific environment. When speaking globally, the Earth is currently on the edge of a mass global extinction of its biodiversity. We wonder how mankind is planning on handling such a threatening situation, expecting world powers to act accordingly. There are economic blueprints and theories thrown here and there but yet there has not been a direct initial action to prevent any further loss of biodiversity. Approximately 10% - 30% mammals, birds, and amphibians, according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, are being threatened of extinction due to our everyday activities from driving to the store or simply turning on the lights.
Based on the data presented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the rate of extinctions is as followed: 1 out of every 8 birds, 4 mammals, 4 conifers, 3 amphibians, and 6 out of 7 marine turtles. Climate change has taken a toll for these diverse species, where it leaves them vulnerable and exposed to such changes. The rate at which changes are at has resulted in a variety of habitat loss, on land and oceanic. The damaged done by our actions are measured on a large scale in which it would take decades to repair. From 75% of genetic diversity of agricultural crops being lost, to another additional 75% world fisheries being fully or over exploited. Besides other species, we are affecting ourselves, by depleting our resources, food supply, and water supply. The IUCN has estimated that over 350 million people will suffer from severe water scarcity. If temperatures exceed more than 3 – 5 degrees Celsius, 70% of known species will be at risk of extinction.
Species being extinct has occurred since species were introduced to planet Earth. It has been almost a natural process for ecosystems and biomes. The reasons behind common extinctions are due to unsustainable hunting, introducing alien species to new habitats, destruction of habitats (from deforestation to clearing of lands to establish use for human benefits such as housing or industries), and most important: climate change. Climate change is a natural occurrence. However, due to human actions, has been entirely altered. Constant burning of fossil fuels and natural gases for energy purposes, manufacturing, and transportation, lead to the cause of global warming. Global warming is another global issue; nevertheless it is one of the root causes of biodiversity loss. From the deterioration of our ozone layer to the rise of green house gases, temperatures will continue to rise simultaneous as we continue to destroy our environments and species. With global warming taking its toll, ocean levels rises, with rapid storms are occurring more constant and vicious. Ice caps or icy land masses leave little to no terrain for polar bears or other arctic animals to inhabit. Arctic tundra’s melts; rises in methane in the atmosphere.
Protecting the environment is difficult in terms of stabilizing the economy. It is close to impossible, but it is not. Reducing the amounts of carbon emitting materials/substances and other green house gasses will significantly help the severe declining of biodiversity. Simple actions such as unplugging unnecessary electrical outlets that are not in use may benefit greatly. Although global warming is a major cause of biodiversity loss, it is not the only factor. Pollution is also a subject matter in such losses. The pollutions of oceans and land have reduced the ecosystem of species within the given area. It is necessary to act upon this quickly, and accordingly, for time is limited

Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity

Wildlife refers to all living organisms in their natural habitat, not including plants and animals introduced by humans into the habitat. Wildlife conservation is the preservation, and restoration of organisms in the earth’s natural ecosystems. The conservation of wild life is an important environmental issue because wild life is necessary to maintain balance in capture, and food chain and nature cycles. If wild life were not preserved, the earth would suffer a loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variety of species within an ecosystem. Without this variety, ecosystems would not be able to maintain themselves. The loss of one species can ruin an entire ecosystem. The lack of conservation not only has negative effects on the environment, but the well-being of humans as well.
Wildlife conservation is crucial to maintaining the balanced biodiversity of the earth. The activities that contribute to the loss of biodiversity currently taking place in the earth can all be contributed to the existence, and progression of the human race. The earth‘s loss of biodiversity can be contributed to three major ideas; the increase in the human population, increased use of finite resources, and increase of pollution. Activities like lack of safe sex education, inadequate use of green technologies, and improper waste disposal are what lead to the prior ideas. These activities in turn lead to the extinction of species, degradation of habitats, and the overall destruction of the ecological balance. Conservational practices such as the use of green technologies, being conscientious of one’s impact on the environment, and living a sustainable lifestyle can help in preventing, and reversing the loss of biodiversity. Overall, controlling human development to ensure that it does not interfere with the natural processes of the earth.
The advantages of wildlife conservation are the maintenance of ecosystems, diversity of species, and being able to live in a naturally beautiful earth. The disadvantages of wildlife conservation are the limits it puts on development; restricting construction of houses, limiting the gathering of natural resources, etc. While as a whole Wildlife conservation is positive, the negative ways it affects human’s lifestyle keep many individuals from participating in it. Another con is that in wildlife conservation, the public tends to favor certain plant or animal species over others. This could do more harm than good, because focusing on one type of species has the potential to be disadvantageous for the environment rather than beneficial.
The major advantage of biodiversity is that its maintenance results in a healthy planet. A healthy planet has a greater diversity of thriving flora and fauna species, increasing the survival rate of human, animals, and vegetation during the earth’s changing conditions. Biodiversity also benefits agriculture, science, medicine. It helps to improve crops, predict natural disasters, and develop medicine. Biodiversity also provides ecosystem services, such as maintain a stable atmosphere, and water purification. With this in mind, it is hard to believe that there are cons concerning the topic of biodiversity. One con of biodiversity is that it includes pests, and some species that have unknown uses. Also, it is expensive to conserve the environment and prevent the endangerment of species from extinction.
With the growing human population, greater strain is put on the earth’s natural resources. This strain makes other species vulnerable to loss of biodiversity and natural habitat. The conservation of the species and resources ensures the extended health of earth. Also, the diversity of the species helps to keep the earth balanced. A healthier and balanced earth can only be maintained through the conservation of the earth’s wildlife, and biodiversity.