Monday, June 6, 2011

Renewable energy against non-renewable energy

On the top of environmental issues in this country is energy. Where our energy comes from is dilemma. 88% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuel energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Oil alone makes up about 41% of fossil fuel usage, while counts for 24% and natural gas with 21%. Fossil fuel is the primary use to make energy simply because it’s generally cheaper, where renewable energies are more expensive. The problem with the use of fossil fuels is the carbon dioxide emission, which is the major contribution to global warming and the overall climate change. The reason to why it is now the modern world’s problem is due to the birth of the industrial age. Up until then, the carbon emission was insignificant, and after the industrial age, the carbon dioxide emission headed to a j curve, a massive increase. Even now, the industrial process grows, almost or even at its peak, and there’s still an increase of carbon dioxide with no signs of decrease. Along with that issue, fossil fuels are not renewable, meaning there’s a limited amount of supply, and it will be gone in the near future. Fossil fuels are estimated to last 250-300 years from now, and it last only that due to the abundant supplies of coal. Oil, where we get 41% of our energy from, is only estimated to last about only 30 years, so expect an enormous amount of increase in gas prices in 2040. It is mandatory to come up with a solution to fill in that 41% less energy gap. Humans now have to come up with new ideas for energy to replace it, but this time not only renewable, but also sustainable and have little to no negative impact on the environment, in the time frame of about 30 years. This means a large scale transition to green energy, or renewable energy. There is certainly usage of renewable energies today, but it’s just that there hasn’t been a large scale movement towards it, due to high investment to run it. The renewable energies are wind power, biomass, hydropower, solar energy, biofuel and geothermal energy. But the best bet is to turn to solar energy, due to its potential energy being very high. Using the sun as energy, it is considered an unlimited source of energy due to the fact that the sun will last for at least another 4 billion years. There is also are no drawbacks and negative environmental impact by converting to solar energy use, making it truly the best green energy out of many options. Non-renewable energies such as fossil fuels are cheap, but aren’t sustainable and renewable to be used for a primary source of energy. While renewable are the opposites, their prices could be more affordable for everyone if there is enough support or movement toward it.

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