Monday, May 16, 2011

Environmental Science Research Project

Objective: Research and document the science behind one environmental topic or issue of your choosing. Carefully cite your sources and provide scientific information and resources for students to better understand your topic/issue.

Grading Rubric

5 – 

Submit a word document, via, including a detailed synopsis of your environmental issue and a minimum of 4 links to web resources for others to better understand your subject and evidence. 

Your synopsis should include a detailed description of why your topic is an important environmental issue, what activities/causes contribute to your topic, the pros and cons of your topic (if it has any benefits), and the scientific understanding of the benefits and/or dangers related to your topic.

Your web resources need to be included as a full URL 
(e.g. and be labeled with the Page Title or Description.

Your citations for your synopsis should be in the MLA format. You should have at least three citations to document what you understand about your topic.

There should be no spelling or grammatical errors and your synopsis should be clear and concise (between 1-2 pages long, Times New Roman 12 pt font, single spaced).

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