With the rise of global climate, and rising CO2 levels we humans must find a way to change, but what solutions do we have? The constant changes in technology can fix this problem with Nuclear power, a method of splitting atoms to create energy or heat. Nuclear power is very efficient as it powers 14% of the world’s electricity. France being one of the leading countries in the use of Nuclear power, National Public Radio reported from its source, World Nuclear Association that France relies on 75.2% of its electricity from Nuclear power. But does that necessarily mean that this power source is safe?
After the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, many countries are reviewing their nuclear programs. Nuclear power is very beneficial since it does not produce greenhouses gases such as carbon dioxide, smoke, and other air pollutants, but in certain situations, such as Japans case, they are very dangerous. Nuclear power plants are safe when kept in check. This type of power is as cheap as coal, is reliable, and does not produce as much waste, and overall can be built to last fairly long. Compared to other sources of energy such as burning coal or fossil fuels, nuclear power is much cleaner for our environment.
Although it seems to have its advantages, this source of power in reality is rather dangerous. The wastes produced from these power plants are extremely radio-active, and the radioactivity in the wastes could last for thousands of years. Nuclear power works by splitting the atoms of the element Uranium; this is the process of nuclear fission. The splitting of these atoms produces energy in the form of heat. This heat boils water around the reactor which creates steam and goes through a turbine which moves generators and produces electricity. If these power plants are not maintained appropriately they could be dangerous.
In recent months Japan had a major disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant blew up and its reactors failed. This was due to a massive earthquake they experienced which produced a tsunami that hit the power plant, as a result radioactive material was thrown into the environment and thousands died of radioactive poisoning. With disasters from uncontrollable weather, and unpredicted events Nuclear power plants are exposed to many dangers, especially safety hazards from within the plant. These plants are very expensive to maintain as they have to keep many backup generators, cooling systems, and constant personal maintenance.
So is Nuclear power worth the risk, and are we at the point where this type of power is a necessary change? To most people this power source is very dangerous, but in fact nuclear power is safe, and the chances of nuclear power plants blowing up or releasing radioactive materials from unpredicted events are low. All that is needed now is support, and effort to create more safe and effective power plants that can withstand, or endure harsh conditions in dire times.
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